Sunday, January 15, 2023

Updates part 1- Fighting for Charas

January has been a busy month, starting on New Year 's Day! I didn't do anything for New Year 's Eve, partly due to Eric being laid up again with a hip pointer injury, and partly due to avoiding NYE like it was Disnified Times Square.
   But anyway, I 've been involved with the fight to save CHARAS and turn it back into a community center to benefit the people, possibly actual low-income housing/permanent housing for homeless people is something I'd like to see also. Sort of a combo like they did with the abandoned school up here, P.S. 109.
   So last fall a mural was created on the 10th Street side of CHARAS and after some people were all "What 9th St don't get know love?" We began a mural for the 9th street side.