Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Spider Ulcers

Finished piece. Pen & ink, collage/cut up technique, watercolor paint. I want to do more like this. I want to make a book. Maybe call it  "Got Eight Gene Problems But Your Cage Ain't One", after reading this new article about how schizophrenia is actually eight disorders created by combined malformed genetic clusters or some such thing. What does that make schizoaffective disorder then? Eight gene problems and a "bitchy resting face"? Known to my case handlers as "flat affect". Whetever, it helps me pose with Gunter Brus images.

Where's my ax?
Eric and I went to see the Viennese Aktionist retrospective at Hauser & Wirth Gallery, an out of the way trip to the Yupper East Side but well worth it. It's a three story exhibition of visceral glory, Nitsch, Brus, Schwarzkogler --some of them came from Schwarzkogler's "3rd Aktion", a series of photos that Eric always associated with the birth trauma he experienced though can't remember - does anyone remember their birth? It's one of the things that led to his appreciation of this art movement. Also the "Wedding" series.

 I took some other pictures of just the work, but haven't had a chance to go through them all yet...or figure out which ones won't get me kicked off Instagram.

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