Monday, November 10, 2014

Art On A Holiday Group Show

I promise not to put anything holiday themed in! Well...unless it's Krampus cuz he's fly like that. Or maybe some misfit toys.

So anyway, I'm flipping out in a there-may-be-new-blood-art-before-the-night-is-done way because I only just now saw James Sturm's comic "The Sponsor". That it could elicit such a reaction should only be taken as means the piece succeeds as art in a way that Kickstarters can't measure. Some people are reading sexism into the work, because it's two male artists discussing the success of a younger female artist. I don't really go to that because the mediocrity who bought her way into a brief flurry of hype in the past and gloated to me about it regularly was also a woman. So while I'll discuss gender politics in lots of things, this isn't one of them. It's also, on my part, old stuff, Qlipphotic bad tapes running on dross-stained, dirty felt heads. Because I'm not in that place really anymore, I've got enough to do creatively, and a lot of it doesn't even center around basic survival! But a one-page comic story that evokes those emotions can put me right back into that place of hardship. Now THAT'S art.

This week is the release for Cult Of Youth's new album "Final Days" (which Eric contributed percussion on) and he's performing with Kama Rupa on Saturday. Meanwhile there's stuff I need to draw and paint.

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