Wednesday, August 20, 2014

"Ra-Hoor-Khuit Has Taken His Seat In The East"

Some lovely statues of Horus/Mentu (though I'm familiar more with that type of headdress on Asar/Osiris, I'll have to ask my Egyptologist friend about it.)looking out on the city... respectively in "God" and "Dragon" posture. Hopefully they're keeping their sun and moon eyes fixed on that police car across the street.

And while I'm on a Kemetic geek-out, can we quit calling the Islamic State fundamentalists "ISIS"? I  know they're not named for the Greek version of Aset, but it makes my eyes slimy every time I read it. Kind of like with these neo-fascists in Greece currently calling themselves "Golden Dawn".

UPDATE: Another friend of mine - not the Egyptologist - has pointed out that in Arabic the Islamic State group call themseves "Daaesh".  No more Queen of Heaven sullying.

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